The Second Week at Pennebaker

Over my second week at Pennebaker I had the chance to get to know the people I would be working with much better. I began to work on their marketing campaigns with the Google AdWords program and I have gained a good amount of understanding in how website traffic works. It's actually quite interesting seeing how the ads that reach your computer are determined. I spent my time at Pennebaker on April 17 and 19 working with AdWords and analyzing a presentation talking about how Pennebaker's ad campaigns are going. Through working on how well these campaigns are doing, my input on the choice between keeping the campaign running and pausing it is important in the way that I am potentially helping to save money and streamline Pennebaker's advertisement process. I feel like I'm really getting a chance to learn here. I've been able to learn about market psychology, different web tools, and even helped to build a website. I'm happy to be working with their digital technicians as well as with the people more focused on advertisement campaigns. I also feel like I'm growing as a person through meaningful contact with the adults at Pennebaker. They treat me like an equal which I didn't initially expect. It was a welcome surprise to be given work with a level of instruction one would give to any new worker and I'm thankful for the chance to work with employees without the stigma created by being a high school student.


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